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Profit in Uncertain Times
Profit in Uncertain Times Riddle me this: What do air travel, a round of golf, your business and billiards all have in common? They are all rife with turbulence, rough spots, unforeseen change & challenge, and traps set by the “the other _____”. Welcome to the new normal.
These my friends are the ‘the facts of life’. No, you don’t have to like them. No, you don’t have to play along (many don’t). Yes, you can cry, kick, scream and complain. In the case of air travel go ‘white knuckled’ the whole way. I’m sure you’ve seen ‘that passenger’. Fact is if you did, pout and stamp your feet you’d be in good company, the 95% of the ‘also rans’. If that’s good or good enough for you, turn to the next blog now.
For those who want to reach higher, here’s the good news: even in the most turbulent times, a select few find a way to not just survive, but prosper. They’re the top 5%, the elite who navigate uncertainty with grace and style. They even at the end of the seeming unthinkable emerge stronger than ever. Guess what they were not born with some magic ability. As a rule these top of the class leaders learned a thing or two. You can too and with that take the next step in membership to the top 5% club.
What sets them apart? Here are three areas Attitudes and Actions.
#1: Political Unrest
Political change, whether it’s a new administration or a shift in regulatory landscape it can throw even the best-laid plans into disarray. But for the top 5%, it’s an opportunity, not an obstacle.
- The Facts: The 24 hour News Cycle or so they call it. Really it’s a 10 minute News Cycle repeated 24/7 has not served the anxiety of our nation or our clients well. There is hardly a business that is not impacted by the News Cycle and rerun and rerun of the same headline over and over even though there is no NEWS and nothing has actually happened or changed. But, we see the burning building 10x daily followed by the interest rates, and then the “News” from overseas…. The stress can be all but incapacitating.
- Your Attitude: Yes, this is all true. No, not the ‘News’ fake or otherwise. The felling, the uncertainty, the worry, the stymie, the ach in the chest. It’s real. I feel it, you feel it your clients feel it, your clients, clients feel it too. Head up – out of the sand we all like what we can see, feel and predict. We like what we know. When times are uncertain we feel, can feel and in fact may be emotionally paralyzed. Do not attempt to whitewash these realities. It would be akin to asking “What rain?” While the thunder and lighting surround you. Leaders embrace reality.
- The Action: How bad are things really? That’s the first question to ask yourself. Yes, it’s possible things are ‘that bad’. More likely though, things ‘seem bad’ or have been blown out of proportion. Do you need to retake perspective? Slow down and breath. You know you can’t lead your business or your clients unless you are in a good mental place yourself. Ask yourself, have I/we been here before? This is one of the most powerful questions you can learn. This leans on you. The fact is, it’s very likely all but the rarest of cases you have been in situation just like this before. You likely know what to do or not to do. There is no reason for you not to be ‘On Balance’. (I know, ‘no reason’ is a big statement, but you get my meaning). When you are ‘On Balance’ you can lead your team, your clients, your family with the same ideas. Stay calm, we’ve been through worse, let’s not lose perspective. It is likely ‘this too shall pass’ but just in case let’s talk out the options and your feelings.
#2: New Client, Client List, Boss or Company Take-over
The boss quit or got fired. The company was bought out. There is an organization wide culture shift afoot. Clients are in a panic, information is sparce sometimes seemingly cross purposes, mixed or unclear at best. To say “there is blood in the water” might be an understatement.
- The Facts: This is stressful. This comes under a number of names and faces (new boss or bosses, account moves, etc.) but the idea is the same. There’s tumult at the company. It has made its way down to the client level. And now everyone is on edge and nothing is going the way it should. You have been put in the position to make a difference/save.
- Your Attitude: Do you remember your last “breakup”? Why you ask? (And I don’t blame you). We all like ‘steady as she goes’. There’s something about change. There are books upon books written on the subject. Change touches something primitive in us. It’s part of the human condition, we build it ‘just so’ and we want it to stay that way. Now this ‘whatever “it” is’ has moved something or many things and we’re stunned. Do we circle the wagons? Draw our swords and ready for battle? Do we tie our running shoes? Or do all those questions grind us to a halt? Yup, that’s it 9 out of 10…. Wow talk about stress. What the top 5% know is no table is ever set that isn’t meant to be eaten at (read made a mess of). A made bed is there to be slept in. Change and stress like this are fact of life, business, and success at a high level. These profound changes in business come. They nearly always bring great opportunity.
- The Action: Back to your “breakup” do you recall what helped you ‘move on’? I’m going to guess it was at least in part, talking to or with a friend or friends. Humm now there is a lesion? Looking back is there anything you might do differently? Sure, maybe not be so dramatic (I’m not saying you were). Said another way how about seeing the situation with a level head/even hand? Talking, being heard, and connected helped. Is it possible this is what your clients feels and maybe could use too? (in this time of uncertainty) I know, you say “Bill what will I do when the client asks questions, I don’t have the answers to?” Okay, remember your ‘breakup’ was there anything anyone SAID that really helped? Or was it just listening, talking, being human that really made the difference? The top 5% have not lost sight of we work together human to human. I know it’s business and the client may want know ‘this or that’ and you “don’t know” that’s okay. It’s important and when you can you’ll find out. The truth is there are many hard things, places, and situations out there. The best of the best is the “steady hand” for their clients and co-workers even when they are not exactly sure themselves.
#3: Company Sold/Selling Merger or Downsizing
Being honest, I wish I got this question/request less often. It however is the way of our world. At least in part we should be thankful. “Thankful for losing my job?!” I hear you scream. No, but thankful that we are part of a process that grows. Parts of growth hurt, and growth is always good.
- The Facts: If you take a check (my age showing), I’ll restate, if you draw a deposit, you are still employed by the company and you owe them 110%. By the by you owe them that to the last 15 minutes of the last hour. That last hour maybe this Friday or 15 years from now. Will you keep your job, will you get an offer, what will come next? It’s at time like these that the radio station WIFM is suddenly high on your preset list. That would be W, What’s In it For Me…. The 95% are consumed by the last word, Me, Me me.
- Your Attitude: You know all the ‘seats on the bus’ may not yet be assigned (meaning all the roles may not be fully filled out). Imagine yourself in the position of deciding who goes where. Let’s say you have 2 roles to fill and 4 call them equal candidates. What in your mind would put one candidate up over another? Might it be the positive attitude, easy to work with style, reliability, and likeability? Or something else? Whatever the answer(s) make those qualities your hallmarks.
- The Action: What’s in your hands you will control. What is not, is not. Let it go. I know this sound so easy. It’s like the prayer to the Great St. Frank ”O St. Frank pls grant me the patience to accept what I cannot change and the self-control not to lose my ‘poop’ for everything else!” This is the great calm. You’ll pour 110% into what you are doing, maybe take a night course or on-line continuing education. Envision yourself going forward and move in that direction.
Profiting in uncertain times is not just about surviving; it’s about thriving. By embracing the unexpected, adapting to change, and staying connected to your fellow humans you’ll take the next step to joining ranks of the top 5%.
Remember, uncertainty is an opportunity in disguise. It’s a chance to differentiate yourself, innovate, and emerge stronger than ever. So, embrace the challenge, seize the moment, and let your business soar to new heights.
Final Thoughts
- Learn from Failure: Failure is an inevitable part of life’s journey. Embrace it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Analyze your mistakes, identify lessons, and apply them to future endeavors.
- Take Care of Yourself: Your mental and physical well-being is crucial to your success. Prioritize self-care, manage stress, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
I’m Bill, a Human and yes I wrote this, (not AI)